The Bamboo Hut Issue One 2022
Oscar Luparia
fall equinox –
the blooming heather
for my inner balance
winter solstice –
New Year's dreams
shine in the dark
spring equinox –
balancing open windows
and energy saving
summer solstice –
my afternoon nap
without guilt
Joy McCall
the old monk
I dream of the island
the thatched croft
the roaming sheep
the bay, the wild rising sea
faint chanting
from across the bay
the old monk
puts more logs on the fire
he says
holy simplicity
is the only way
I follow his shadow
across the flagstones
I like that same
simple worship
and yet ...
the music, the rituals,
the incense, the old Latin
I write the same things
again and again
in poems -
we know ourselves
by the things we love
Roberta Beach Jacobson
daybreak river songs begin
deep in a forest
we interpret our lives
as trees
I too screech when I see
Christina Chin & Al Peat
the scent
of mother
on this scarf...
in the earthen jar
new sake ripens
yellowed recipe card
with my fingers
grandma puts
cored apples
in the cooking pot
sudden launch
a camouflaged
once again
a grass blade
Joy McCall & Monk Gabriel ( Denis Garrison )
the same Christmas movie
every year
I begin to believe
in miracles
I believe in miracles.
What proof have I?
God knows everything
and, still, He loves me.
Next question.
Minal Sarosh
no moon night
there’s still so much to learn
from the stars
yellow hibiscus
how quickly my muse unfolds
its petals
banana trees
growing taller, taller
so silently
Cullen Whisenhunt
autumn afternoon--
chilly but for the burning
Chinese pistache
pumpkin pie sunrise
purpled by the day after
child noises
through bedroom wall
--no sleep for neighbors
Tom Blessing
rose hip old and wrinkled still hanging on
first freeze the cricket voices his lament
Diana Teneva
a butterfly wing...
my silence is
autumn sunset...
is there any room for me
under your sky
a graveyard…
sunflowers shade
my mum’s tomb
Jaden Searfoss
Endless woods
Towering trees shielding the light
Roots wide and long dig into the soft soil
No path in sight in the endless woods
Broken and forgotten
Hidden under the overgrowth
Standing quietly with hate and malice
The Building
Darkness fills the cold halls
Copper, rusted metal, and dust fill the air
machinery long forgotten lay waiting for their return
Jenni Wyn Hyatt
early morning steals
over frosted fields
a late owl hoots
frost-capped hedges
morning shrouded in silence
black-headed gulls scream
swirling flakes float
feathering bare branches –
flawless silence
Pat Davis
snow squall
a tangled skein
of geese
new neighbor
his religion
left in church
Mike Gallagher
over the waterfall
drifting clouds
barn owl
gliding across the corn
all ears
the green lamp-eyes
of the ditches
Eva Joan
day of father’s death -
a soupçon of Old Spice
in the October air
like thin ice
the layer between us -
congealed silence
my mother's face
in the morning mirror -
where has the time gone
i myself
between all the others
- on your tongue
- the bittersweet taste
- of malicious joy
Jim Young
how immensely small
you are
the sadness of
a nurse in a nursing home
Evan Coram
three thousand miles
to find it’s the same
campfire sparks
ride the heat whorls
matching colors
the baby cries
a winter wind
David Watts
scent of rain
before it arrives
winter chill
aroma of dried grass
the backwing
of a black swallowtail
bayside dance club
a foghorn bends
the jazzman’s notes
Ruth Holzer
Old Winter’s Song
bedroom window
the blossoming
frost flowers
skinny chest
the stinging rub
of camphor
flopping galoshes
through slush
the bitter taste
of a long soot-sprinkled
a sled
by the tracks
Ram Chandran
twilight shadows...
as she clutches my hands
something in me tells
we are going to part ways
plucking the rose petals...
the floor full of
strewn thoughts
Milan Rajkumar
still lingering
amid mother's sarongs –
scent of lemon grass
war cemetery . . .
rows of soldiers' epitaphs
known unto god
Anthony M. Lusardi
empty nest
the loon’s wail
ripples through lake foam
last of twilight;
constellations following
flocks of starlings
the ant on your shoe
the space between you
and the nearest star
Douglas J Lanzo
train whistle
my mind retraces
wistful paths of youth
pink December bloom
the endings
that could have been
a lifetime of memories
with father’s ashes
Lisbeth Ho
a warbler
at the red berry branches
calling out
all flowers to bloom
for an autumn palace
burung warbler
di dahan berry merah
berkicau memanggil
bunga-bunga bersemi
tuk istana musim semi
carrot flowers
swaying in misty dawn
its bunch of white
dazzles me as pure as
my mother's heart
bunga wortel
bergoyang di kabut pagi
gerumbul putihnya
mempesonaku semurni
hati ibundaku
a purple rose
blooms with no butterflies
yet a songbird
comforts a lone lady
longing for her only son
mawar ungu
merekah tanpa kupu-kupu
namun kicau burung
menghibur sang wanita
merindu putra tunggalnya
Maire Morrissey Cummins
a wider view
through the trees
winter deepens
new year checking the full moon calendar
a new bud
on the amaryllis
winter solstice
Clarence Carlson
on sun-drenched eyelids
ships sailed across the red sea
into the blackness
fishermen mend nets
barefoot on the hot beach sand
gossamer voices
Carmela Marino
rose stem
at the bottom of the glass
my silences
winter clouds
a little lipstick
on a cup
Adrian Bouter
Easter Sunday
a lamb springs
in all directions
her silk shawl
about the oak chair -
mother tongue
Maria Concetta Conti
empty garden
her last Christmas
winter break
yet something
is missing
all the people
I have lost
Tim Lenton
after baptism
you looked for living streams
but found wild fire
flowing through the forest of
your transcendent soul
sparkling morning
breathes cold light into the water
over the marsh,
slinging colours in ribbons
across the aching sky
Pasquale Asprea
scattered little clouds -
at sunset a cup of moss tea
tea steam -
the first grooves of a vinyl
ambient music -
a suspended piano
Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo
Things that comfort
the rustle of the wind in the leaves
the white foam of the sea
the patient waiting of a heron
the scent of moss in the woods
the wet nose of a dog
the first ripe figs
the courage of a stranger
the smile of a passer-by
a bouquet of flowers in a vase
the tenderness of a child
focaccia almost like in Genoa
the notes of an old song
the freshly laundered sheets
the snow, when it descends slowly
the minute rain that wets the meadows
the smell of bread
the touch of your hands, in memories
Orrin PréJean & Joy McCall
just merely
trying to remain
trying to
scratch and survive
and keep my head above water
into the depths
picking up stones
surfacing, bringing them
to your empty hands
Christina L. Villa [original haiku] & Linda L. Ludwig [response 1& 3]
Wistful Wind
just when I start
September rains
vermillion leaves
sprinkling the lawn
believing again
the sun peeking
through a birdhouse
a full mailbox
wilted wisteria
end of the season
turns cold and bleak
whistling wind
Margi Abraham & Marilyn Humbert
summer rain
stops, clouds skid away
releases memories . . .
we laugh and race outside
weekly visit,
he says he loves me
this quagmire
marshland gas rises
either side of the river.
late night talk
sputters and smokes
white wine
loosens your quips
sharpens my edges
a puddle of melting frost
at the door
your muddy rubber boots
beside my shiny black heels.
hot winds rattle
the bedroom shutters--
I’m alone once more
indecision for company
Marilyn Humbert & Frances Carleton
Down Cobargo Way
the outline of wings
a falcon’s flight
between light and shade
of the sun struck spire
we dance
in cool shadows
of the day
humming a tune--
petals open at touch
moth and insects
around the porchlight
a gentle buzz
in the background
of your incessant chatter
red wine flows--
I watch you drown
gasping for air …
ripples spread wide
shatter midnight
blue lights
strobe through fog …
shards of glass on the mat
red glow
lights the night--
bats soar above
a silhouette of stones
flames lick the steeple
Note - Cobargo, a historic village of south coast of NSW, devastated by bushfire at the end of 2019
Nani Mariani
praying mantis
among the grass
silent heart
in a quiet room
to be healthy
keep your distance
covid 19
i got my third injection
but you..
still not come
Denis Garrison(Monk Gabriel) & Joy McCall.
ignore the moaning,
forlorn shrieking in dark nights
when light's long faded
the cold unholy things need
your fear upon which to feed
I wake and listen …
a small creature
running along fences
finding its way
to the other side
mid-morning, feeling
ambitious, I start
pulling down the old barn
and waken a barred owl
just home from the hunt
wood mice
go scurrying away
to find safety
in thorny hedges
and dry grasses
rapturously dark
angels fly on silent wings
these devout raptors
circle above the altar
and they prey before they eat
bones litter
the holy places
spirits cry
and in the distance
dark shadows against the sun
with relics interred
shrines cleansed and consecrated
the shrieking silenced
we face the sun unfearing
free from terror of the night
Richa Sharma
between two pages summer waterfall
the distance between us
the cold touch
of his mother's necklace
webbed moon
Sherry Grant, Jackie Chou & Zoe Grant
old scrapbook
weathered faces
framed in glitter - jc
new bike from
a second-hand shop - zg
shaking out
broken shell in my pocket
last summer - sg
jeweled treasure box
the faded blue scribbles
of a love note - jc
dancing alone
to my favourite song - sg
birthday party
all those unsent
invitations - zg
作者:周均玲(美國)+ 陳紫瑄(紐西蘭)+火の鳥(紐西蘭)
框在閃爍亮粉間 (周)
新腳踏車 (陳)
去年夏天 (火)
藍色草書 (周)
獨自起舞 (火)
邀請函 (陳)
Hifsa Ashraf , Sherry Grant & John Hawkhead
River Bank
thawing river
a swift flight
of magpies -ha
broken starlight in
a sudden downpour -sg
diving rock
the potential
for rain -jh
slipping again
into melancholy -ha
curled up
in hidden corners
dreams of squid -sg
riding a whirlpool
around darkness -jh
作者:伊芙莎·阿許拉芙(巴基斯坦)、火の鳥(紐西蘭) 和 約翰·霍克赫德(英國)
行數 : 3-2-3-2-3-2
迅速飛過 — 伊
如驟雨急降 — 火
概率 — 約
陷入愁緒 — 伊
八爪魚之夢 — 火
載浮載沉 — 約
Agus Maulana Sunjaya , Sherry Grant & Zoe Grant
Silence in Tears
lunar eclipse
clinging to the temple bell
a white moth - ams
she hums a song
brushing daughter’s hair - sg
secret notes
behind the door
a hooting owl - zg
the silence
through half open window
moon beam - ams
of the waves - zg
oyster tears
this darkness you
leave behind - sg
作者:阿格斯·善賈雅(印尼)+ 陳紫瑄(紐西蘭)+ 火の鳥(紐西蘭)
寺廟古鐘上 (阿)
邊梳著女兒的頭髮 (火)
貓頭鷹啼叫 (陳)
陣陣沉寂 (阿)
反覆襲來 (陳)
這片黑暗 (火)
Al Peat & Réka Nyitrai
with Lilith
she is made
of black suns
Challah bread
and giggles
black puppet sun
an egg
notes from a robin’s song
this fleeting world--
fallen leaves
call for the ones
still on the trees
and play
Pamela A. Babusci & Susan Aurinko
fall equinox –
the blooming heather
for my inner balance
winter solstice –
New Year's dreams
shine in the dark
spring equinox –
balancing open windows
and energy saving
summer solstice –
my afternoon nap
without guilt
Joy McCall
the old monk
I dream of the island
the thatched croft
the roaming sheep
the bay, the wild rising sea
faint chanting
from across the bay
the old monk
puts more logs on the fire
he says
holy simplicity
is the only way
I follow his shadow
across the flagstones
I like that same
simple worship
and yet ...
the music, the rituals,
the incense, the old Latin
I write the same things
again and again
in poems -
we know ourselves
by the things we love
Roberta Beach Jacobson
daybreak river songs begin
deep in a forest
we interpret our lives
as trees
I too screech when I see
Christina Chin & Al Peat
the scent
of mother
on this scarf...
in the earthen jar
new sake ripens
yellowed recipe card
with my fingers
grandma puts
cored apples
in the cooking pot
sudden launch
a camouflaged
once again
a grass blade
Joy McCall & Monk Gabriel ( Denis Garrison )
the same Christmas movie
every year
I begin to believe
in miracles
I believe in miracles.
What proof have I?
God knows everything
and, still, He loves me.
Next question.
Minal Sarosh
no moon night
there’s still so much to learn
from the stars
yellow hibiscus
how quickly my muse unfolds
its petals
banana trees
growing taller, taller
so silently
Cullen Whisenhunt
autumn afternoon--
chilly but for the burning
Chinese pistache
pumpkin pie sunrise
purpled by the day after
child noises
through bedroom wall
--no sleep for neighbors
Tom Blessing
rose hip old and wrinkled still hanging on
first freeze the cricket voices his lament
Diana Teneva
a butterfly wing...
my silence is
autumn sunset...
is there any room for me
under your sky
a graveyard…
sunflowers shade
my mum’s tomb
Jaden Searfoss
Endless woods
Towering trees shielding the light
Roots wide and long dig into the soft soil
No path in sight in the endless woods
Broken and forgotten
Hidden under the overgrowth
Standing quietly with hate and malice
The Building
Darkness fills the cold halls
Copper, rusted metal, and dust fill the air
machinery long forgotten lay waiting for their return
Jenni Wyn Hyatt
early morning steals
over frosted fields
a late owl hoots
frost-capped hedges
morning shrouded in silence
black-headed gulls scream
swirling flakes float
feathering bare branches –
flawless silence
Pat Davis
snow squall
a tangled skein
of geese
new neighbor
his religion
left in church
Mike Gallagher
over the waterfall
drifting clouds
barn owl
gliding across the corn
all ears
the green lamp-eyes
of the ditches
Eva Joan
day of father’s death -
a soupçon of Old Spice
in the October air
like thin ice
the layer between us -
congealed silence
my mother's face
in the morning mirror -
where has the time gone
i myself
between all the others
- on your tongue
- the bittersweet taste
- of malicious joy
Jim Young
how immensely small
you are
the sadness of
a nurse in a nursing home
Evan Coram
three thousand miles
to find it’s the same
campfire sparks
ride the heat whorls
matching colors
the baby cries
a winter wind
David Watts
scent of rain
before it arrives
winter chill
aroma of dried grass
the backwing
of a black swallowtail
bayside dance club
a foghorn bends
the jazzman’s notes
Ruth Holzer
Old Winter’s Song
bedroom window
the blossoming
frost flowers
skinny chest
the stinging rub
of camphor
flopping galoshes
through slush
the bitter taste
of a long soot-sprinkled
a sled
by the tracks
Ram Chandran
twilight shadows...
as she clutches my hands
something in me tells
we are going to part ways
plucking the rose petals...
the floor full of
strewn thoughts
Milan Rajkumar
still lingering
amid mother's sarongs –
scent of lemon grass
war cemetery . . .
rows of soldiers' epitaphs
known unto god
Anthony M. Lusardi
empty nest
the loon’s wail
ripples through lake foam
last of twilight;
constellations following
flocks of starlings
the ant on your shoe
the space between you
and the nearest star
Douglas J Lanzo
train whistle
my mind retraces
wistful paths of youth
pink December bloom
the endings
that could have been
a lifetime of memories
with father’s ashes
Lisbeth Ho
a warbler
at the red berry branches
calling out
all flowers to bloom
for an autumn palace
burung warbler
di dahan berry merah
berkicau memanggil
bunga-bunga bersemi
tuk istana musim semi
carrot flowers
swaying in misty dawn
its bunch of white
dazzles me as pure as
my mother's heart
bunga wortel
bergoyang di kabut pagi
gerumbul putihnya
mempesonaku semurni
hati ibundaku
a purple rose
blooms with no butterflies
yet a songbird
comforts a lone lady
longing for her only son
mawar ungu
merekah tanpa kupu-kupu
namun kicau burung
menghibur sang wanita
merindu putra tunggalnya
Maire Morrissey Cummins
a wider view
through the trees
winter deepens
new year checking the full moon calendar
a new bud
on the amaryllis
winter solstice
Clarence Carlson
on sun-drenched eyelids
ships sailed across the red sea
into the blackness
fishermen mend nets
barefoot on the hot beach sand
gossamer voices
Carmela Marino
rose stem
at the bottom of the glass
my silences
winter clouds
a little lipstick
on a cup
Adrian Bouter
Easter Sunday
a lamb springs
in all directions
her silk shawl
about the oak chair -
mother tongue
Maria Concetta Conti
empty garden
her last Christmas
winter break
yet something
is missing
all the people
I have lost
Tim Lenton
after baptism
you looked for living streams
but found wild fire
flowing through the forest of
your transcendent soul
sparkling morning
breathes cold light into the water
over the marsh,
slinging colours in ribbons
across the aching sky
Pasquale Asprea
scattered little clouds -
at sunset a cup of moss tea
tea steam -
the first grooves of a vinyl
ambient music -
a suspended piano
Anna Maria Domburg-Sancristoforo
Things that comfort
the rustle of the wind in the leaves
the white foam of the sea
the patient waiting of a heron
the scent of moss in the woods
the wet nose of a dog
the first ripe figs
the courage of a stranger
the smile of a passer-by
a bouquet of flowers in a vase
the tenderness of a child
focaccia almost like in Genoa
the notes of an old song
the freshly laundered sheets
the snow, when it descends slowly
the minute rain that wets the meadows
the smell of bread
the touch of your hands, in memories
Orrin PréJean & Joy McCall
just merely
trying to remain
trying to
scratch and survive
and keep my head above water
into the depths
picking up stones
surfacing, bringing them
to your empty hands
Christina L. Villa [original haiku] & Linda L. Ludwig [response 1& 3]
Wistful Wind
just when I start
September rains
vermillion leaves
sprinkling the lawn
believing again
the sun peeking
through a birdhouse
a full mailbox
wilted wisteria
end of the season
turns cold and bleak
whistling wind
Margi Abraham & Marilyn Humbert
summer rain
stops, clouds skid away
releases memories . . .
we laugh and race outside
weekly visit,
he says he loves me
this quagmire
marshland gas rises
either side of the river.
late night talk
sputters and smokes
white wine
loosens your quips
sharpens my edges
a puddle of melting frost
at the door
your muddy rubber boots
beside my shiny black heels.
hot winds rattle
the bedroom shutters--
I’m alone once more
indecision for company
Marilyn Humbert & Frances Carleton
Down Cobargo Way
the outline of wings
a falcon’s flight
between light and shade
of the sun struck spire
we dance
in cool shadows
of the day
humming a tune--
petals open at touch
moth and insects
around the porchlight
a gentle buzz
in the background
of your incessant chatter
red wine flows--
I watch you drown
gasping for air …
ripples spread wide
shatter midnight
blue lights
strobe through fog …
shards of glass on the mat
red glow
lights the night--
bats soar above
a silhouette of stones
flames lick the steeple
Note - Cobargo, a historic village of south coast of NSW, devastated by bushfire at the end of 2019
Nani Mariani
praying mantis
among the grass
silent heart
in a quiet room
to be healthy
keep your distance
covid 19
i got my third injection
but you..
still not come
Denis Garrison(Monk Gabriel) & Joy McCall.
ignore the moaning,
forlorn shrieking in dark nights
when light's long faded
the cold unholy things need
your fear upon which to feed
I wake and listen …
a small creature
running along fences
finding its way
to the other side
mid-morning, feeling
ambitious, I start
pulling down the old barn
and waken a barred owl
just home from the hunt
wood mice
go scurrying away
to find safety
in thorny hedges
and dry grasses
rapturously dark
angels fly on silent wings
these devout raptors
circle above the altar
and they prey before they eat
bones litter
the holy places
spirits cry
and in the distance
dark shadows against the sun
with relics interred
shrines cleansed and consecrated
the shrieking silenced
we face the sun unfearing
free from terror of the night
Richa Sharma
between two pages summer waterfall
the distance between us
the cold touch
of his mother's necklace
webbed moon
Sherry Grant, Jackie Chou & Zoe Grant
old scrapbook
weathered faces
framed in glitter - jc
new bike from
a second-hand shop - zg
shaking out
broken shell in my pocket
last summer - sg
jeweled treasure box
the faded blue scribbles
of a love note - jc
dancing alone
to my favourite song - sg
birthday party
all those unsent
invitations - zg
作者:周均玲(美國)+ 陳紫瑄(紐西蘭)+火の鳥(紐西蘭)
框在閃爍亮粉間 (周)
新腳踏車 (陳)
去年夏天 (火)
藍色草書 (周)
獨自起舞 (火)
邀請函 (陳)
Hifsa Ashraf , Sherry Grant & John Hawkhead
River Bank
thawing river
a swift flight
of magpies -ha
broken starlight in
a sudden downpour -sg
diving rock
the potential
for rain -jh
slipping again
into melancholy -ha
curled up
in hidden corners
dreams of squid -sg
riding a whirlpool
around darkness -jh
作者:伊芙莎·阿許拉芙(巴基斯坦)、火の鳥(紐西蘭) 和 約翰·霍克赫德(英國)
行數 : 3-2-3-2-3-2
迅速飛過 — 伊
如驟雨急降 — 火
概率 — 約
陷入愁緒 — 伊
八爪魚之夢 — 火
載浮載沉 — 約
Agus Maulana Sunjaya , Sherry Grant & Zoe Grant
Silence in Tears
lunar eclipse
clinging to the temple bell
a white moth - ams
she hums a song
brushing daughter’s hair - sg
secret notes
behind the door
a hooting owl - zg
the silence
through half open window
moon beam - ams
of the waves - zg
oyster tears
this darkness you
leave behind - sg
作者:阿格斯·善賈雅(印尼)+ 陳紫瑄(紐西蘭)+ 火の鳥(紐西蘭)
寺廟古鐘上 (阿)
邊梳著女兒的頭髮 (火)
貓頭鷹啼叫 (陳)
陣陣沉寂 (阿)
反覆襲來 (陳)
這片黑暗 (火)
Al Peat & Réka Nyitrai
with Lilith
she is made
of black suns
Challah bread
and giggles
black puppet sun
an egg
notes from a robin’s song
this fleeting world--
fallen leaves
call for the ones
still on the trees
and play
Pamela A. Babusci & Susan Aurinko